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 how do u-knitt? 

“When Gail and I met, I knew that we would not only be very good friends but that we would be business partners at some point also.  When I learned that her birthday is February 14th (mine is the 15th), that clinched and sealed the deal for me!”

 - Cristine




“My knitting experience started at the young and tender age of 9 in Johannesburg, South Africa.  During my first pregnancy, I enthusiastically knitted a complete layette for my daughter.  Years later, as I browsed through a yarn store, I met an amazing woman who was wildly excited to meet a South African who used, and understood, the metric system.  And, as they say, the rest is history!”

- Gail

Between us we have over 35 years of KNITTING & CROCHETING experience.
To this we have added FINISHING where we inspect our clients unfinished ‘symphonies’, and then proceed to complete the ‘concerto’.

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